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Flowers by Dr. Jo

Ranunculus Aviv - 10 corms

Ranunculus Aviv - 10 corms

Regular price $10.00 USD
Regular price Sale price $10.00 USD
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Flower color: Purple

10 corms in purple or pink. Each corm produces up to 10 large, 3-4” flowers on 12-16" stems. Ranunculus make excellent cut flowers.

These can be planted October through early February in our climate for blooms April-June. Store in a cool, dry place prior to planting.

Before planting, soak the corms in water for 3-4 hours.

Plant in full sun in well-draining soil, 2 inches deep, 6 inches apart. The tentacles should point down.

Ranunculus need protection when the temperature falls below 25° F. Snow, leaves, and/or frost cloth work well to insulate the ground and protect the tender plants. A sheet also works in a pinch.

Ranunculus will go dormant when the temperatures consistently reach 70-80°. Corms can remain in the ground over the summer and often come back year after year. Look for new growth in the fall.

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